
How to Automatically Distribute Your Blog to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more via RSS with Send Social Media

One of the most popular features on Send Social Media is the ability to automatically distribute your blog posts to all your social media accounts at once.  Our social media management software does this through the use of an RSS auto-poster. This blog post will explain how this can be achieved. Learn how to automatically distribute your blog to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more via RSS with Send Social Media:
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How to Schedule Multiple Social Media Updates in Bulk with Send Social Media

Send Social Media makes it easy to import and schedule multiple social media updates at once. The type of message you choose to import could be anything like your regular Tweets or your daily Facebook status updates.

A CSV file is a simple text format commonly used for database tables. Each record in a table is one line of text with each value separated by a comma with no space. Learn how to schedule Multiple Social Media Updates in bulk with Send Social Media: Continue reading

Announcing Send Social Media’s New Analytics Dashboard


Announcing Send Social Media’s New Analytics Dashboard! We have been working hard the last few months at Send Social Media, developing the most advanced social media analytics dashboard on the market today. We are excited to announce that this has just been released to all our Send Social Media users! Our white label customers will receive this update in the next 2 days. Continue reading

10 Features CEO’s Should Look For When Evaluating Social Media Management Tools

It’s amazing how many organizations and businesses still don’t use a Social Media Dashboard. When I say that it’s amazing, I really mean that. Any organization that does not already understand that social media is the key to their future success has essentially hung out the “closed for business” sign and is waiting for someone to tell them. With the myriad of networks out there that need to be worked and monitored, there are only two viable options: have a large staff devoted to social media or get software to take care of your social media tracking. Here are 10 ways social media management tools can save you time. Continue reading

5 Secrets of the Content Marketing Experts


At this point, most businesses have heard that not only do they need an online presence, but their online presence needs to be active. One of the best ways to create an active online presence is by consistently publishing quality content. A big part of why content marketing has become such a popular strategy is because it allows businesses to attract new leads and maintain relationships with existing customers. Best of all, this type of inbound approach to marketing costs less than traditional outbound methods. Continue reading

Tips to Find the Right Social Network for Your Business


Whether you’re getting started with social media for the first time or are looking into how you can hone your strategy, there’s value in taking time to think about which network is going to best fit your business. We’re going to look at a few questions to ask about social media and your business, followed by the attributes that make different networks unique:

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When people hear the word content, blog posts are often the first thing that comes to mind. While blog posts are essential for building a brand through social media channels like Facebook and Twitter, this isn’t the only form that content can take. Content can also be visual assets like pictures or other graphics. With the continued growth of Instagram, along with how well images tend to perform on Facebook and other platforms, it’s worth taking a look at how this kind of content can be used to build and spread your brand visually.
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5 Content Types That Can Help Your Business Go Viral

When used to talk about things that are published online, the word viral refers to content that people consume and are then compelled to share with others. For a business, the benefits of publishing viral content include increased awareness about their brand, more visitors to their website and improved search engine rankings as a result of more people linking to their site.

Although there’s no way to guarantee that a specific piece of content will go viral, there are best practices you can follow to maximize your chances of success. So without further ado, here are five viral marketing tips you’ll want to keep in mind:

1. Inspirational Stories about Real People

Humans are hardwired to respond to stories. And given how moved we all are by emotion, it’s easy to understand why human interest stories are such a powerful recipe for viral content. What’s great about this specific kind of viral content is it can help create a very positive association with your brand.

2. Quizzes

Blog posts are the most common type of online content. While the right type of blog post can definitely go viral, it’s worth noting that there are other forms of online content. Quizzes are the perfect example. BuzzFeed and other publishers have perfected this type of content. The great thing about quizzes is not only are they very engaging, but it’s easy to build in a viral hook that makes people want to share them with friends after taking them.

3. Motivational Content

Some of the most popular pieces of content on YouTube, reddit, Instagram and other social platforms are focused on motivation. The reason is most of us need a kick in the pants every once in awhile and are well aware of that fact. So when a piece of content has a strong message that’s very motivating, the people who enjoy it want to then share that same positive feeling with others.

4. Long Pieces Packed with Value

A lot of viral marketing tactics focus on crafting content that’s fun, entertaining or brings out different emotions. As we discussed above, those approaches can definitely work really well. However, you don’t necessarily have to go down that route in order for content to go viral. Another strategy is to craft “epic” pieces of content. By choosing a topic and then publishing the longest & most authoritative piece of content on it, you can make it go viral within your industry. This strategy can also work really well to rank for highly competitive keyword phrases.

5. Infographics

Even though they’re by no means a new type of content, info-graphics are still very popular. That’s why including at least one in any viral marketing campaign is a very good idea.

If you’re looking for a way to monitor the content you publish to see how well it performs, take a look at our social media management dashboard and all of its very useful features.

Twitter Hashtags are primarily used so that it’s easy to get a general pulse of groups of people who are talking about the same subject. By searching for a hashtag, you’ll be able to see a stream of all the tweets that include it. This can be extremely useful for both marketing and monitoring.

In terms of marketing, a hashtag is a great way to promote a special event. Choosing a hashtag for your event and then sharing it with others will allow them to create a buzz about your event before, during and after it occurs.

And for monitoring, a few simple Twitter searches can make it easy for you to see what hashtags are popular within your industry. You can then save those searches so you can keep an eye on any new topics that start gaining momentum. Send Social Media makes it easy to monitor conversations.

The other strategy you’ll definitely want to employ for optimizing your account is to start using Twitter Lists. The reason that lists are such a useful feature is because they allow you to create groups for both your own use and the use of others. Additionally, it’s a great way to get a pulse of what a specific segment of Twitter users are doing.

Creating a list is quite easy to do. Once you click the new list link that’s visible on your profile page when you’re logged in, you can choose whether you want it to be public or private. From there, you can either add the URLs of the Twitter users you want in the list, or you can navigate to their page and directly add them. You may also find that it’s quite useful to follow existing lists that other people have created.

Send Social Media allow you to automatically send a response to anyone who mentions your specific hashtags.  This is an excellent marketing tool for busy social media managers who don’t want to miss the chance to engage with a potential client.  By striking up a conversation automatically, this tool gives you the opportunity to truly engage with potential clients who are talking about your field of expertise. Follow these steps to configure the Twitter auto reply tool on your Send Social Media account.

social media managementDaily Task

Social Media Marketing vs Community Management

One of the reasons that businesses often have a little hesitation about getting started with social media is because they feel like there’s so much to learn. While it’s true that it takes some time to get a really strong feel for the dynamics of different social networks, the good news is tools like our social media dashboard make it easier than ever to get a handle on things.

In addition to providing a tool that makes social media management across multiple platforms easier than ever before, we are committed to helping business owners learn everything they need to know to find social media success. That’s why we want to dive into a topic that we’ve been asked about on multiple occasions.

What is Community Management?

At this point, most businesses have at least come into contact with the term social media marketing. Although it’s a term that encompasses a lot, the core of this phrase refers to any type of marketing that’s done through a social media platform.

Another term that’s not quite as widespread but has continued to gain momentum is community management. Since social media makes it possible for businesses to build a type of community around themselves, it’s easy to understand why many people may view social media marketing and community management in the same light.

While it is true that these two terms are related, they don’t refer to the same activities. And since both activities do offer real value, it’s important for businesses to be aware of how to utilize each one.

Like social media marketing, the broad definition of community management is generally stated as “any attempts to cultivate, nurture, or engage with a given audience.” Because that definitely shares traits with social media marketing, let’s take a look at what separates the two.

Social Media Marketing vs. Community Managemen

The main difference between social media marketing and community management is they take place at different stages of building a relationship with a potential or current customer. With social media marketing, you’re focused on bringing people into contact with your business for the first or subsequent times.

When social media marketing is done well, some of the people you come in contact with will want to engage with your business even more. As you attract more people who feel this way, you’ll start to build a community. That’s where community management comes into play.

Instead of being focused on bringing new people into the sphere of your business, community management is all about strengthening an existing community. When community management is handled correctly, it can yield substantial benefits including customer retention, customer attraction and increased brand reputation.

While entire books have been written on the subject of community management, the main thing to keep in mind is the more opportunities you can create for people to engage, the more successful you’ll ultimately be with this online strategy.
