Social Media Objectives

Having a robust social media presence is no longer optional—it’s essential. For many small businesses, managing social media can be a daunting task, but with the right tools, it becomes an opportunity for significant growth. Send Social Media has been a game-changer for many small businesses, helping them streamline their social media management, increase engagement, and boost their bottom line. In this case study, we’ll explore how small businesses are achieving big results with Send Social Media. Through real-world examples, quotes, and statistics, we’ll highlight the platform’s impact on their social media strategies and overall business success.

The Power of Social Media for Small Businesses

Social media provides small businesses with a powerful platform to reach new customers, engage with their audience, and build brand loyalty. According to a survey by Social Media Examiner, 78% of small businesses saw an increase in traffic with the use of social media, and 61% saw an increase in lead generation.

However, the challenge for many small business owners is finding the time and resources to manage multiple social media accounts effectively. This is where Send Social Media comes in. By automating tasks, providing detailed analytics, and offering powerful engagement tools, Send Social Media helps small businesses maximize their social media potential.

Success Story 1: The E-commerce Boutique


Samantha owns a small online boutique specializing in handmade jewelry. Despite having high-quality products, she struggled to drive traffic to her website and convert visitors into customers. Samantha knew she needed a strong social media strategy but lacked the time and expertise to manage it effectively.


Samantha decided to try Send Social Media after hearing about its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface. She utilized the advanced scheduling feature to plan her posts weeks in advance, ensuring a consistent presence on social media. The Canva integration allowed her to create visually appealing posts that showcased her jewelry beautifully.


Within three months of using Send Social Media, Samantha saw a 40% increase in website traffic and a 25% increase in sales. Her engagement rates on Instagram and Facebook also doubled, thanks to the eye-catching visuals and consistent posting schedule.


“Send Social Media has been a lifesaver for my business. The scheduling feature allows me to stay active on social media without spending hours each day. The analytics tools help me understand what my audience loves, and the Canva integration makes my posts look professional. I couldn’t be happier!” – Samantha, Owner of Handmade Jewelry Boutique

Success Story 2: The Fitness Studio


Mark runs a small fitness studio that offers group classes and personal training sessions. While he had a loyal local following, he wanted to expand his reach and attract more clients. Mark was particularly interested in leveraging social media to showcase client testimonials and promote special offers.


Mark started using Send Social Media to manage his social media accounts. He used the RSS feed automation to share blog posts about fitness tips and healthy living automatically. The priority inbox feature helped him stay on top of client inquiries and comments, ensuring timely responses.


In just two months, Mark’s social media following grew by 35%, and he saw a significant increase in class bookings and personal training sessions. His engagement rates on Facebook and Instagram improved dramatically, with more likes, comments, and shares on his posts.


“Send Social Media has transformed the way I manage my social media. The automation features save me so much time, and the priority inbox ensures I never miss an important message from a client. It’s been a game-changer for my business.” – Mark, Owner of Fitness Studio

Success Story 3: The Local Coffee Shop


Linda owns a small coffee shop in a busy neighborhood. While her shop had a steady stream of regulars, she wanted to attract new customers and increase foot traffic, especially during slow periods. Linda decided to leverage social media to promote her daily specials and engage with the local community.


Linda used Send Social Media to schedule her daily posts promoting special offers and new menu items. The platform’s analytics tools helped her track which types of posts performed best, allowing her to refine her strategy. She also used the Canva integration to create visually appealing posts that highlighted her delicious offerings.


After six months of using Send Social Media, Linda saw a 50% increase in new customer visits and a 30% increase in overall sales. Her engagement rates on social media soared, with more people liking, commenting, and sharing her posts.


“Send Social Media has made it easy for me to keep my customers informed about our daily specials and new menu items. The scheduling feature ensures that our posts go live at the perfect times, and the analytics tools help me understand what works best. It’s been a huge boost for our business.” – Linda, Owner of Local Coffee Shop

The Key Features That Drive Success

These success stories highlight several key features of Send Social Media that have helped small businesses achieve remarkable results:

Advanced Scheduling

Planning and scheduling posts in advance ensures a consistent social media presence, even during busy periods. This feature allows businesses to maintain a regular posting schedule, which is crucial for building and retaining an engaged audience.

Canva Integration

The integration with Canva enables businesses to create high-quality, visually appealing posts effortlessly. Eye-catching visuals are essential for capturing the audience’s attention and driving engagement.

RSS Feed Automation

Automating the sharing of blog posts and other content saves time and ensures that new content is consistently shared with followers. This feature helps drive traffic to the business’s website and keeps the audience engaged.

Priority Inbox

The priority inbox consolidates messages, comments, and mentions from all social media accounts into a single inbox. This ensures that businesses never miss an important interaction and can respond promptly to their audience.

Analytics and Reporting

Detailed analytics and reporting tools provide valuable insights into social media performance. By tracking key metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversions, businesses can make data-driven decisions to optimize their strategy.

Send Social Media is a Game-Changer

Social media automation with Send Social Media has proven to be a game-changer for many small businesses. By streamlining social media management, increasing engagement, and providing valuable insights, Send Social Media helps businesses achieve significant growth and success.

If you’re a small business owner looking to enhance your social media strategy and drive better results, consider leveraging Send Social Media’s powerful features. Join the thousands of businesses that have already experienced the benefits of social media automation and take your business to the next level.

Ready to see how Send Social Media can transform your business? Sign up for a free 7-day trial today and experience the difference! Or, book a FREE demo to see our tools in action.

By implementing Send Social Media, you can streamline your social media efforts, save time, and achieve impressive results, just like the small businesses featured in this case study. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to boost your social media presence and grow your business. Sign up today!

Social media has become an essential part of how businesses can market themselves online. Although there are multiple social media networks with hundreds of millions of users, many businesses still struggle to find traction with their social media efforts.

One of the reasons social media remains a challenge for so many businesses is they don’t have clear social media objectives. While there’s something to be said for getting started with social media by diving right in, that approach is unlikely to move the needle for a business of any size.

If you want your business to get real results from social media, you need a plan. That’s where social media objectives come into the picture. To help you get started on the right path, we’re going to cover the five things you should evaluate when coming up with these objectives for your business:

1. Start with a Hypothesis

Even though you may be new to using social media for your business, you still know the type of people you’re trying to reach. Based on that knowledge, you can make a hypothesis about which social network is going to be the best fit for your business. Starting with this type of focus will help you make more progress in less time.

2. Know Your KPI

KPI stands for key performance indicator. There are many KPIs related to social media. Followers, shares, clicks and signups are a few of the most common. Since there are many different options, you need to choose the one that matters most to your business. Keep in mind that your primary KPI can change over time. For example, followers may be your KPI for an early campaign, and then you may shift your effort to clicks in the future.

3. Have a Goal

After you’ve identified your KPI, you will want to set a specific goal. The goal you set should be clear and have a specific timeline. It’s generally best to set a goal that’s ambitious but still within reach.

4. Execute, Measure and Analyze

Once all your objectives are defined, you can begin taking action. You will also want to have specific intervals in place to measure how your KPI is progressing in regards to the goal you set for it.

5. Adjust As Needed

While objectives provide a path to follow, they’re not something that’s set in stone. Based on the information you collect, you will want to make adjustments. Gradually improving your social media efforts over time is exactly how you can get to the point of social media having a noticeable impact on your business.

From managing to measuring, learn more about how Send Social Media can help make the pursuit of social media objectives for small business successful.

Branding is a very broad topic. For some people, visual design is the first thing that comes to mind.

Here is Best Practices for Visually Building Your Brand on Social Media

For others, they may view branding with a slightly negative connotation and believe it’s too abstract. While those are all valid thoughts, the right type of branding can be very important for a business. When done correctly, branding helps to define a small business and gives people a reason to connect with it.

One of the ways to move away from the abstractness sometimes associated with branding and focus more on what it can actually do for your business is to look at its most important elements. That’s why we want to cover the essential ingredients to build a brand for your small business:

What’s Your Purpose?

Building a brand starts with defining why your business exists. On the surface, this may seem like a simple question to answer. But as you dig into it, you’ll likely notice that it’s surprisingly complex. Although it can take some time to get a clear and concise answer to this question, doing so will create the foundation for the rest of your branding efforts.

Staying Consistent

A brand is something that makes a promise. The specific promise will vary from one business to the next. Regardless of the specific promise your business makes with its brand, what’s extremely important is to stay consistent with that promise. In terms of how to do that, it’s something that needs to happen at every level of your business. From how you provide customer service to the visual elements you use across the social media for your business, staying consistent will build the type of trust that your business needs in order to grow and thrive.

Involving Employees

Since purpose and consistency are key ingredients of a small business brand, it’s easy to understand why branding isn’t an activity that exists in a silo. For a brand to really mean something, every member of an organization needs to be involved. Another benefit of getting every employee fully on board with your brand is they will help you spread its message.

Building Loyalty

Employees aren’t the only ones who can spread the message of your brand. If you identify your purpose and create an organization where everyone consistently shares that message, you’ll gain loyal customers. These customers will act as evangelists for your brand and help grow it to levels via channels like word of mouth that you could have never done on your own.

Social media continues to be a very important part of building a small business brand. While staying on top of social media can seem quite challenging at times, there are ways to make it easier. Learn more about Send Social Media and how our tool will help streamline your social media efforts.

Although social media usage and influence only continues to increase, plenty of businesses still struggle to stay on top of their social channels. Even after a business clears the initial challenges that often come up when getting started with social, it’s common to feel overwhelmed by how much there is to do. If you want your business to take advantage of everything social media has to offer but worry that you simply don’t have the resources to do so, we want to share four different ways social media automation can help you out:

Efficiently Handling a Large Number of Responses

As you build more momentum for your business through social media, the number of people who interact with your profiles will increase. While this is a good problem to have, it’s still a problem. The last thing you want to do is make potential customers feel ignored or miss a very important message. Since trying to manually go through a large number of responses across multiple platforms can take a lot of time, the ability to aggregate all responses into a single dashboard through social media automation is a huge help.

Identifying the Best Content to Share

There’s an incredible amount of content on the Internet. However, that doesn’t make it any easier to know what you should share through your social profiles. The good news is social media automation can make this decision easier. By automatically collecting analytics about how every post performs, you’ll be able to gain a better understanding of what you should be posting. You can also use an integration like RSS to keep your feed interesting. And to top things off, automation gives you the ability to schedule as many posts as you want to share in advance.

Using Social Media for Customer Service

Many of the features that you’ll find on any of the major social media platforms make them ideal for providing customer service. The only downside is if you start getting too many customer service requests, it can overwhelm your current resources and cause your business to drop the ball. The good news is social media automation can solve this dilemma. By bringing all customer service issues into a single location and making it very easy to reply, your business will be able to keep up with this task regardless of the volume you receive.

Engaging with Followers in a Meaningful Way

Engagement is a huge part of social media. So how can you take your interactions with followers beyond quick comments? A great option that’s possible with the help of social media automation is group messaging and/or email marketing. These approaches will allow you to communicate in more depth with your followers.

If you want to overcome common marketing challenges by taking advantage of social media automation, get started today with a free 30-day trial of the Send Social Media Dashboard.

Branding is a very broad topic. For some people, visual design is the first thing that comes to mind.

Others, they may view branding with a slightly negative connotation and believe it’s too abstract. While those are all valid thoughts, the right type of branding can be very important for a business. When done correctly, branding helps to define a small business and gives people a reason to connect with it.

One of the ways to move away from the abstractness sometimes associated with branding and focus more on what it can actually do for your business is to look at its most important elements. That’s why we want to cover the essential ingredients to build a brand for your small business:

What’s Your Purpose?

Building a brand starts with defining why your business exists. On the surface, this may seem like a simple question to answer. But as you dig into it, you’ll likely notice that it’s surprisingly complex. Although it can take some time to get a clear and concise answer to this question, doing so will create the foundation for the rest of your branding efforts.

Staying Consistent

A brand is something that makes a promise. The specific promise will vary from one business to the next. Regardless of the specific promise your business makes with its brand, what’s extremely important is to stay consistent with that promise. In terms of how to do that, it’s something that needs to happen at every level of your business. From how you provide customer service to the visual elements you use across social media for your business, staying consistent will build the type of trust that your business needs in order to grow and thrive.

Involving Employees

Since purpose and consistency are key ingredients of a small business brand, it’s easy to understand why branding isn’t an activity that exists in a silo. For a brand to really mean something, every member of an organization needs to be involved. Another benefit of getting every employee fully on board with your brand is it will help you spread its message.

Building Loyalty

Employees aren’t the only ones who can spread the message of your brand. If you identify your purpose and create an organization where everyone consistently shares that message, you’ll gain loyal customers. These customers will act as evangelists for your brand and help grow it to levels via channels like word of mouth that you could have never done on your own.

Social media continues to be a very important part of building a small business brand. While staying on top of social media can seem quite challenging at times, there are ways to make it easier. Learn more about Send Social Media and how our tool will help streamline your social media efforts.
