Send Social Media Dashboard Features

Content Creation with Canva Integration

Send Social Media’s integration with Canva allows you to create stunning visuals directly within the platform. High-quality visuals are essential for capturing your audience’s attention and driving engagement. Use Canva to design eye-catching images, infographics, and videos.

Optimize Post Timing

Timing is crucial for social media engagement. Post at times when your audience is most likely to be online and active. Plan your posts for the week or month ahead. Include a mix of content types such as blog posts, images, videos, and user-generated content.

RSS Feed Integration

Send Social Media’s RSS feed integration allows you to automatically share new blog posts and other content across your social media channels, saving you time and ensuring your audience stays updated with fresh content.

Custom Reports

Custom reports allow you to present your social media performance data in a way that aligns with your specific goals and objectives. Create detailed, customized reports that highlight the metrics that matter most to you.

Social Media Posting

Send Social Media’s integration with Canva allows you to create stunning visuals directly within the platform. High-quality visuals are essential for capturing your audience’s attention and driving engagement.

Priority Inbox

The priority inbox feature consolidates messages, comments, and mentions from all your social media accounts into a single inbox, ensuring you never miss an important interaction.

Engagement Tracking

Engaging with your audience is essential for building relationships and fostering trust. Send Social Media’s engagement tracking tools help you monitor interactions and identify opportunities to convert followers into customers.

Analytics to Understand Customer Behavior

Send Social Media’s analytics tools provide valuable insights into how your audience interacts with your content and what drives them to take action. See how every post is performing so you can learn what content is most engaging.

Automated Reporting

Create custom reports that include the metrics most relevant to your goals, such as engagement, reach, and conversions. Schedule reports to be generated and delivered to your inbox at regular intervals (e.g., weekly or monthly).

Schedule Repeating Posts

You can create content queues and schedule your posts to repeat hourly, daily, monthly weekly, and yearly. Plan your posts for the week or month ahead. Include a mix of content types such as blog posts, images, and videos.

Trusted Partnerships and integrations Across Leading Platforms

Send Social Media