Content marketing tips

Are you ready to revolutionize the way you create and schedule content for social media? Look no further—Send Social Media’s robust Queues feature is your ticket to seamless content curation, campaign scheduling, and efficient result tracking. Join us as we delve into the wonders of Queues and unlock the key to amplifying your social media game.

🚀 Why Queues Are a Game-Changer: Unleashing Efficiency and Creativity!

  • Content Curation and Sharing: Position your brand or client as a thought leader by curating and sharing relevant, high-quality content. Queues are the ideal tool for distributing evergreen, cornerstone pieces that add value and address your target persona’s pain points.
  • Effortless Queue Management: Adding individual social media posts to Queues is a breeze. Whether directly from the Compose Box or through bulk import via CSV, Queues allow you to schedule messages to publish consistently throughout the week, eliminating the need to worry about optimal posting times.

🌐 Queues for Scheduling Social Media Posts: Pros and Cons Unveiled!


  1. Time-Saving Efficiency: Set times once, and messages will be sent out at optimal times, saving time in the long run.
  2. Organic Post Appearance: Opt for less even posting times to create a more organic look and feel for your scheduled messages.
  3. Client Engagement Optimization: Tailor posting times based on client engagement patterns, ensuring maximum likes, shares, or comments.
  4. Campaign Tracking: All messages added to a Queue are tracked as a campaign, providing specific data on post-performance.
  5. Versatility for Multiple Clients: Utilize Queues and bulk importing via CSV to schedule posts for multiple clients in the same industry, utilizing different times and randomization options.


  1. Not Ideal for Specific Timing: Queues may not be suitable for messages that need to be sent out at a specific time and date, especially with randomized posts.
  2. Continuous Content Addition: If using the repeat posts option, consistent content addition to the Queue is necessary to avoid repetition in a short timeframe.

🔧 Two Fun Exercises to Kickstart Your Queues Journey!

Ready to put Queues into action? Here are two engaging exercises to get you started:

Exercise #1 | Trending Hashtag Fun:

  • Create a new Queue with a single time slot, e.g., Thursday.
  • Choose a trending hashtag like #throwbackthursday.
  • Write five posts and add them to your Queue, scheduling one post for each of the next five Thursdays.

Exercise #2 | Diverse Post Showcase:

  • Create a new Queue for your blog or chosen link source.
  • Write 10 different social media posts for the same link.
  • Choose one-time slot for any two days of the week, e.g., 10:52 on Wednesday and 14:47 on Sunday.

📝 Tips for Smart Queues in Send Social Media:

  • Start Small, Build Slowly: Avoid overwhelming users by gradually increasing post frequency.
  • Diversify Copy and Content: Write unique copy for each post, especially when sharing the same link, using alternative headlines, questions, quotes, or images.

🎉 Ready to Elevate Your Social Media Strategy? Try Send Social Media Queues Now!

Don’t miss out on the efficiency and creativity Queues bring to your social media management. Sign up for a free trial and experience the power of Send Social Media firsthand!

In today’s digital world, social media is where customers openly express their opinions about businesses. While this presents opportunities for engagement, it also brings challenges.

Businesses face the constant scrutiny of a worldwide online audience, and every comment can impact their reputation. In this article, we will learn about the critical function of social media in collecting customer feedback and the way businesses handle some challenges like bad feedback, turning them into opportunities for growth. We’ll discover the importance of dealing with comments professionally to maintain a high-quality brand photograph in the digital age.

The Impact of Social Media on Customer Feedback

Social media systems have revolutionized how consumers express their reviews and experiences. They provide a public discussion board for clients to voice their thoughts, whether positive or negative, about products and services. The public nature of social media amplifies the impact of customer feedback. Positive remarks can enhance your brand’s recognition, but at the same time, negative ones can quickly tarnish it.

The Types of Customer Feedback on Social Media

Feedback on social media can take various forms:

  • Positive Feedback: Positive comments and reviews are the lifeblood of brand reputation. They can bolster customer trust and loyalty.
  • Negative Feedback: Negative comments and criticism can pose challenges but also opportunities. Properly managed, they can lead to improved products and services.
  • Constructive Criticism: Some customers provide detailed feedback with suggestions for improvement. This kind of feedback is a valuable resource for growth.

Strategies for Monitoring Social Media Feedback

Effective management of social media feedback begins with systematic monitoring. Tools and platforms are available to track mentions and comments. Developing a structured approach to feedback tracking ensures that nothing falls through the cracks.

Responding to Positive Feedback

Acknowledging and appreciating positive feedback is essential. Engaging with customers who have praised your product or service can reinforce their loyalty. It’s a chance to demonstrate your brand’s commitment to customer satisfaction.

Handling Negative Feedback with Care

Negative feedback is an inevitable part of any business. Responding to it promptly and professionally is crucial. Acknowledge the customer’s concern, empathize with their experience, and offer solutions. Addressing negative feedback constructively can turn a dissatisfied customer into a loyal one.

Turning Negative Feedback in to an Opportunity for Improvement

Rather than viewing negative feedback as a setback, consider it an opportunity for growth. Use it to identify areas for improvement in your products or services. Demonstrating that you take customer feedback seriously can enhance your brand’s reputation.

Maintaining Brand Consistency in Responses

Consistency in your responses to customer feedback is vital. Establish guidelines for your social media response strategy. This consistency ensures that your brand maintains a professional and trustworthy image in all interactions.

Measuring the Impact of Feedback Handling

Measuring the effectiveness of your feedback management is essential for continuous improvement. Key performance indicators (KPIs) related to customer satisfaction, such as response times and resolution rates, should be tracked. Analyzing data helps you refine your feedback management strategies.

Elevate Your Social Media Feedback Management with Web Strategy Plus

Customer feedback on social media plays a pivotal role in shaping brand reputation and customer relationships. Whether it’s positive, negative, or constructive, all feedback provides valuable insights for business growth. Handling feedback with professionalism, empathy, and a commitment to improvement can lead to enhanced brand credibility and customer loyalty.

If you’re looking to elevate your customer feedback management on social media and build stronger connections with your audience, consider partnering with experts who understand the nuances of this digital landscape. With Send Social Media, we specialize in helping businesses effectively handle customer feedback on social media, turning challenges into opportunities for growth. Get your free trial and explore how we can work together to enhance your feedback management strategies and achieve your business goals. Your success and customer satisfaction are our top priorities.

When used to talk about things that are published online, the word viral refers to content that people consume and are then compelled to share with others. For a business, the benefits of publishing viral content include increased awareness about their brand, more visitors to their website and improved search engine rankings as a result of more people linking to their site.

Although there’s no way to guarantee that a specific piece of content will go viral, there are best practices you can follow to maximize your chances of success. So without further ado, here are five viral marketing tips you’ll want to keep in mind:

1. Inspirational Stories about Real People

Humans are hardwired to respond to stories. And given how moved we all are by emotion, it’s easy to understand why human interest stories are such a powerful recipe for viral content. What’s great about this specific kind of viral content is it can help create a very positive association with your brand.

2. Quizzes

Blog posts are the most common type of online content. While the right type of blog post can definitely go viral, it’s worth noting that there are other forms of online content. Quizzes are the perfect example. BuzzFeed and other publishers have perfected this type of content. The great thing about quizzes is not only are they very engaging, but it’s easy to build in a viral hook that makes people want to share them with friends after taking them.

3. Motivational Content

Some of the most popular pieces of content on YouTube, reddit, Instagram and other social platforms are focused on motivation. The reason is most of us need a kick in the pants every once in awhile and are well aware of that fact. So when a piece of content has a strong message that’s very motivating, the people who enjoy it want to then share that same positive feeling with others.

4. Long Pieces Packed with Value

A lot of viral marketing tactics focus on crafting content that’s fun, entertaining or brings out different emotions. As we discussed above, those approaches can definitely work really well. However, you don’t necessarily have to go down that route in order for content to go viral. Another strategy is to craft “epic” pieces of content. By choosing a topic and then publishing the longest & most authoritative piece of content on it, you can make it go viral within your industry. This strategy can also work really well to rank for highly competitive keyword phrases.

5. Infographics

Even though they’re by no means a new type of content, info-graphics are still very popular. That’s why including at least one in any viral marketing campaign is a very good idea.

If you’re looking for a way to monitor the content you publish to see how well it performs, take a look at our social media management dashboard and all of its very useful features. If you want to see just how much more productive you can be take a look at a free demo of Send Social Media. If you’re looking for the simplest way to stay on top of your company’s social media efforts, be sure to take a look at the Send Social Media Dashboard 7-day trial! simple and effective as possible, take a look at all the great features of Send Social Media.

Consistency is one of the most important elements for a business to find success with social media marketing. Far too many businesses give up on social media channels before they have a chance to gain real traction. One reason that it’s so common for businesses to give up is they feel like these activities are taking up too much time and not delivering enough returns. Plenty of businesses simply don’t have the team resources needed to stay on top of social media on a daily basis.

If these kinds of issues sound familiar, your business is in the perfect position to harness the power of social media automation. When done correctly, this type of automation can keep your social media efforts running on a consistent schedule. It will also free you and any members of your team up to actually have time for engaging with people through social media. So if you want to get on top of social media marketing for your business and avoid feeling like you’re stuck on a hamster wheel, here are a few tips for getting started with automation:

Keep It Human
While the right social media automation tools will allow you to do more in less time, that doesn’t mean you want the content you share to seem impersonal. Businesses that aren’t afraid to show the true personalities of their brands and team members always do their best on social.

Tailor Content to Different Social Channels
A common mistake that businesses of all sizes make is taking the exact same content and sharing it across all of their social media profiles. The reason this is a mistake is every social network has its own culture. So if you share the exact same content with duplicate descriptions across all your social profiles, it’s not going to resonate nearly as well. Taking time to customize what you’re sharing to different social channels can make a big difference in how well it performs.

Be a Curator
Another mistake many businesses make is only sharing their own content. By going beyond this scope and curating a wide range of content your followers will find interesting, you’ll be able to make your profiles much more engaging.

Regularly Review Stats
The best way to know what kind of content to share more of and what to avoid is to review your performance stats on a regular basis. Having this information will guide the focus of your social media automation strategy.

If you want to see just how much more productive you can be take a look at a free demo of Send Social Media. If you’re looking for the simplest way to stay on top of your company’s social media efforts, be sure to take a look at the Send Social Media Dashboard 7-day trial! simple and effective as possible, take a look at all the great features of Send Social Media.
